Online pornography

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3 years ago

IN THE WORLD, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE USE THE INTERNET EVERY DAY. Many connect to the internet to do business, catch up on world news, check the weather, visit different countries, get travel information, or communicate with family and friends in different parts of the world. But some married and single adults, as well as a surprising number of children, will go online for an entirely different reason: SEE PORNOGRAPHY.

COMPUTER PORN, also known as cyberporn, is so popular that it has grown into a multimillion dollar business. The Wall Street Journal noted, "Find a website that is black [profitable] and your business and its content is likely to be distinctly blue [pornographic]."

The Journal went on to explain why people are turning to the Internet for pornography: “Customers can see the sharp charges without sneaking into a dirty bookstore or even visiting the back of a neighborhood video store. . Customers can search for obscene groceries in the privacy of their home or office. ""

Pornography and Children

Unfortunately, many cyberporn viewers are children. Teenagers who are legally prohibited from buying pornographic literature or renting pornographic videos can access it in their homes with just a few clicks of the mouse. The possibilities are endless.

Many children regularly visit websites without their parents' knowledge. In fact, the Detroit News claims that "more than two in five children subscribe to a website or other online service, even though nearly 85% of parents have rules against it."

While most children and adults take care to hide the fact that they are engaged in pornography, not everyone sees the need for it. Some consider this practice a harmless form of recreation. Others admit that porn is not good for kids, but because what adults do in privacy is their problem.

In some countries, the pornography controversy has turned into a major political battle. On the one hand, defenders of freedom of expression defend pornography, and on the other hand, defenders of family values ​​are pressuring the authorities to ban pornography.

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