Lactose intolerant

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3 years ago

“My husband and I were visiting friends in the Mexican state of Puebla. Our hosts have their own cows and gave us a nice bed with the audience and the stage.

“The first night we felt bad, but the second day it was horrible. My stomach got so small it felt like it had been on board for several months. Luego, we both developed severe diarrhea.

"We don't have to worry about being lactose intolerant." - Bertha.

The BERTHA experience is not uncommon as some 75 year olds in the world adult population may experience some or all of the symptoms of lactose intolerance. * What is this condition and what are the causes? Most of all, what can you do to deal with it?

The term "lactose intolerance" refers to the body's inability to digest lactose, the predominant sugar in milk. In order to be absorbed into the bloodstream, lactose must be broken down into glucose and galactose. This requires an enzyme called lactase. The problem is that after childhood, the body produces less lactase. When you are lactase deficient, many adults have become lactose intolerant.

When a person drinks more milk (in babies and its derivatives) than they can digest, the bacteria in the colon turn into lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Typical symptoms appear in just 30 minutes, including nausea, calambres, gas and diarrhea. Some students who don't know they are lactose intolerant may try to calm their stomachs with more babies, which makes the problem worse.

The level of lactose tolerance varied from person to person. Some people can drink a child's potty without experiencing any side effects. For others, even this humble chant will cause symptoms. Some suggest that you should start with a baby potty to see what you can tolerate. Luego, gradually increase the amount of beverage you drink on later occasions. With that in mind, remember that lactose intolerance symptoms are bothersome and rarely dangerous.

What to Eat and What to Avoid

If you are lactose intolerant, you need to find out who can and cannot eat. Much depends on your tolerance. Foods containing lactose include milk, helado, yogurt, butter, and quesos. Some prepared foods, such as pies, granola, and salad dressings, can also contain lactose. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance should check the nutrition label of products of animal origin.

Obviously, bedding is the main source of calcium, and inadequate calcium intake can lead to the development of osteoporosis. Hence, those who are lactose intolerant should look for other sources of calcium. Some fresh vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and spinach contain calcium. It also cuts almonds, sesame seeds, and soft fish like sardines and salmon.

Even if you are lactose intolerant, you may not need to completely remove milk and dairy products. Instead, try to find out what you can tolerate and stop using up this tendency. If possible, eat other foods with a product that contains lactose. Also, remember that hardened products contain less lactose and cannot cause problems. And the yogurt? You have as much milk as the baby, but some people with milk intolerance can digest it easily. Because? Because yoghurt contains microorganisms that synthesize lactase and support milk digestion.

So don't worry if you are lactose intolerant. As we have seen, if you know about this disease, you can easily control this disease. But please note the following points:

(1) Eat petite leche and dairy products along with other foods to determine your tolerance level.

(2) Consume yogurt and salty products that are easier to digest.

(3) Use all available non-lactose products that contain lactasa.

If you follow these suggestions, you may become lactose intolerant.

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