Our Anniversary

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Avatar for Matkeys
2 years ago

I'm so sorry this is coming late but I just feel like expressing what I experienced when I first met you in 25th November ,2020.

Yeah! It was six months with my ex then a year break and five years reunion until we finally broke up. I know you're wondering what kind of message is that. I really loved her and worthy of note, our relationship wasn't toxic,life just happened.

Then, you came into my life. At first, I thought I won't be able to cope with you but one month turned two and two months turned three and here we are today. I must say I had fears when we first started out; relax babe that's how it is, you'll get used to it. So I was told and I kept my fingers crossed.

Your love for attention, time, money and pampering almost scared life out of me.

I'm writing this to let you know that my love for you has grown these past months and this one year with you has brought beauty and radiance to my life. But I'm so sorry to say this part babe. You've been an amazing partner and fun to be with but the pain you cause me sometimes drives me crazy and I really feel like taking a bow. Besides, there's this attraction and bond I still have for my ex who has been calling lately and I just feel like given her another chance.

I still love you and I will still keep in touch with you. Meanwhile, it is really good to have had you this one year. Happy anniversary to us.

My unshaved bears is one year old.

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