Simple methods to help you reduce anxiety in the age of coronavirus

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3 years ago

I know that all this will pass, I believe that everything always happens for a reason and that each of us can learn something from this situation, make some changes, think about our priorities. It is an ideal opportunity to dedicate yourself to your spiritual practice, connect with yourself, discover the power of your mind and use it in the best possible way. Today, you are an important player in what is happening in the world, and the very fact that you are reading this suggests that you are ready to make a positive change. We all go through the same situation, we differ only in how we react to the same. And our reaction creates our reality.

Below I share a suggestion for 4 effective methods to help you in times of quarantine to reduce feelings of fear, panic and seize moments for something positive.


Although I feel some emptiness from the morning, fear in the air, even though people's faces are worried, even though the scenes of people with masks and gloves seem a bit scary, I am fully dedicated to practice and maintaining a positive state of mind, no matter how anxious . I realize that this is now one big test, as far as I actually believe in the power of my own thoughts. They say with reason that at all times we choose only between love and fear. Now it is important that you begin to believe that you have power in your hands, that you are the one who chooses emotions and creates your reality. This is a matter of practice and after a while you will need very little invested energy to turn a negative thought into a positive one. We have confirmation and science that every thought triggers a particular neurochemical reaction some of which are instantaneous and some even permanent. When we are in a state of joy, hormones such as serotonin and dopamine are secreted, while in moments of fear, the hormones cortisol are secreted, which have a bad effect on our immunity.

How can you consciously change your own thoughts?

I was in the store today because I ran out of food, I was watching people and I felt fear. It is as if we see each other as a possible danger. I didn’t feel comfortable at all. If you really have to leave your home to go for groceries, if you meet some people, be aware of what you think the moment you see a person. Do you think, "Oh, this one's going to infect me!", "This man looks really sick.", "I'm endangered now." Be aware of every thought you have then and consciously change it. Instead of thoughts like this that make you fear and panic, choose an affirmation for yourself like, "My immunity supports me, I feel safe." or "I believe my immunity protects me."

  • Spend less time reading negative news because the environment, information affects the formation of our thoughts. I know it's important to stay informed, and by reducing the amount of time you spend absorbing content like this, you'll make a big difference for yourself.

  • When you talk to your loved ones, focus on choosing a positive topic for conversation. The topic of coronavirus is now ubiquitous and the word itself creates a certain vibe. Just as "love" has its vibration, so "coronavirus" has its own, which is not at all positive. As I have noticed that just mentioning this word makes me uncomfortable, Carlo and I have an agreement not to talk about the topic and I really feel better. You have many other topics for conversation, be a person who will bring some hope, warmth, a smile to your interlocutor's face.


When we have a lot of free time, when we don’t know what we want during the day, we have extra time to think negatively, retell negative stories, come up with the worst possible scenarios in our heads. On the other hand, when we have a plan, we have a focus on what we want! The ideal time, if you haven’t done it before, is to write a plan for the day in the morning. Make one to-do list of things you will do during the day. Be sure to put time for yourself on the list, for exercising, meditating, sunbathing, reading a book, whatever relaxes you, it is only important that it is "your time". Interestingly, scientists have proven that accomplishing tasks from our to-do lists stimulates the secretion of happiness hormones because we are pleased with our achievements.


The peculiarity of meditation is that it acts on the mind, body and emotions. Meditation is a technique that releases threefold tension - physical, mental and emotional. With meditation you will relax your physical body, you will release negative thoughts, and through guided meditation you will direct your mind to something positive and thus release emotions and thoughts that create fear and panic. By changing the focus we change our reality, and that is exactly what you will achieve through meditation. We have now been given the opportunity to find time for ourselves and I believe that in quarantine you will give meditation a chance and see for yourself its benefits.


As much as we may be tense and as much as we feel fear because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, it is very important that we sleep well. Sleep is an extremely important way of gaining energy, while we sleep our meridians relax, while we sleep melatonin is secreted, and experts have proven that our immunity works best during a night's sleep. On the other hand, lack of sleep, poor sleep, cause the secretion of cortisol - a stress hormone that we certainly do not need now.

The question is how to get a good night's sleep. The most important thing is how we go to sleep, because with what emotions and thoughts we fall asleep, it will affect the quality of sleep and we will wake up in the morning with the same thoughts. At least 1 hour before bed, avoid reading any news, reading social networks, because this information will put you in a state of tension that you do not need before bed. The practice that helps me is gratitude.

How to practice Thanksgiving before bed:

  • Lie down or sit on the bed and sit comfortably

  • Close your eyes and for a few moments just concentrate on breathing (deep inhale and exhale)

  • Start thinking about what all you have in life right now and be thankful for it. In order not to miss something, imagine that you have to list as many as possible, because tomorrow it will no longer exist. This will help you become aware of even the smallest detail. Let’s say I’m grateful to have eyes and can see spring waking up, to have ears to hear birdsong in the morning, on a warm bed, on health, on consciousness, on meditation that calms me.

This will change your energy and you are now ready to sleep

I want you to know that you have more power in you than you might think. I want you to feel that you have the power to choose your thoughts at all times and thus create your reality. I want you to know that I'm here, that we're together, and that everything will be fine.

Try one of these exercises, give them a chance. Because if we do things the same way all the time, we will have the same result. It is time for a change, this situation tells us.

I send love to everyone........

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Avatar for Matico
Written by
3 years ago
