Education is the backbone of the nation

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Avatar for Masud-Biswas
3 years ago

Hello everyone,

How are you? I hoop all are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fit and fine.

Today I gonna share about "Education is the backbone of the nation"

We know that the more educated a nation is, the more developed it is. Just as no animal can stand without a backbone, no nation can prosper without education. Illiterate people are not only a burden to the society, but also an obstacle to the development of the country. Because, education helps people to be efficient and conscious citizens. Aware and efficient people are needed for the development of the country and the nation. Without Education no nation can stand tall on the face of the earth. Education is the main way to achieves self-empowerment. Remember, education is not an opportunity but, a right.

Thank you, everyone, for reading my article.

No more now.

Stay home stay safe.

God bless you all.



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