Gentamycin sulphate has a broad spectrum of activity of staphylococcus aureus, and act by inhabiting protein is susceptible bacteria. The antibacterial activity is primarily directed again gram negative bacteria. With the exception oentamicin sulphate is not active against gram negative, organisms. It is a bactericidal aminoglycoside antibiotics active against a wide variety of pathogenic gram negative and some gram positive bacteria. Susceptible oganisms include pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus species (Indole positive and indole positive) Note:in vitro sensitivity does not necessary imply in vivo efficacy. Peak serum level are obtained within 1to 4 hours. The half -life of adult with normal renal function is 2to 3 hours.
I used gentamicin ointment myself, and I can say that it is great for skin inflammations.