Back in high school, we were thought the life cycle of a lot of organisms, from mosquitoes to cockroaches. At some point higher animals were introduced. If like me, you disliked biology, then I'm sure you didn't particularly like drawing worms and labelling them.
Fast forward to years later and everything we've been taught is staring at us in the face. Life. The processes. Death.
Take a look at that image above. At first glance, it shows leaves arranged in circle. But when you pay close attention, the true meaning will not be lost to you. It is arranged from the smallest, which shows the youngest here to the biggest, which in this case is the oldest.
We start off as a baby. Then we grow into a toddler. We move from that stage to being a preteen. From there to being a teenager before we finally become an adult. And it doesn't stop there. We go from there to being middle aged and finally growing old. Then we die. Even the image up there isn't left out. As ordinary as the trees and leaves are, they must undergo the same cycle. It's natural. They cannot avoid it.
The question now is, which stage are you currently on and what are you doing with your life? Are you living the life you've always wanted? Are you doing the things you love? Are you fulfilled or getting closer to your fulfillment? Most importantly, are you happy?
Answer these questions honestly and take a hard look at your life. Life, they say is short. Add fickleness to it and you just might realise that you aren't really living.
Have yourself a beautiful weekend.