My house

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Avatar for Maryam07
3 years ago

I have a gist for you and this gist is hot like chilli pepper.

So this morning i woke up feeling tired .. really don't know why someone would sleep at night and wake up feeling tired as if the person did some activities why I had switched on the gas to boil water for tea since we are having TEA AND BREAD WITH EGG for breakfast. In the course of trying to meet my target for yesterday by making sure i make my 3 post daily and read comments on my post, i got carried away and the water in the kettle dried up and the kettle started burning. There was smoke in the kitchen but i was in my room busy on my laptop oblivious of what was happening.

If not for the intervention of my dad, only God know what story i would have told.Moral of the story.I know we all get carried away whenever we are on uptrennd but it is best if we set a plan on the time to come online, the hours to spend e.t.c. so we can create time for other activities. We all have a life outside uptrennd, so we should learn to balance it.

Thanks for reading...

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