Home or Office, Which Makes You More Efficient?

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3 years ago
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The emergence of Covid-19 has taught us a lot of life lessons. The pandemic has crippled the economy both globally and individually. While it has made some people richer, it has also made others poorer. A lot of us have discovered our hidden talent. Majority of us have also learned something new, either from friends and family or online. Of course there are exceptions, people it really made no much difference to because they naturally love staying indoors. People like myself. Now to the question.

Which make you more efficient, home or office?

When the pandemic ends, would you want to go back to working from the office, or maintain working from home?

Which one makes you more efficient, productive, and happier?

I'll choose working from home any day. I go to work 3-4 times weekly and o dislike it. Personally, it makes me exhausted, sometimes so much that doing other necessary things becomes another problem. Working from home is the thing for me. I'll take that over office any time.

Staying in is driving a lot of people crazy. Both good and bad crazy. The good side comes from wanting to go out and do something productive. This is for those who love it outdoors. I think it's safe to categorise them into the office kind. The bad side is the anxiety. Some can't deal. It digs up buried emotions and causing stress as a result.

Which one are you? The office or the home kind? Which do you prefer?

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3 years ago
