Equity or Equality?

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3 years ago

Whenever equality is mentioned, people raise their danger antenna. It has become such a sensitive topic that people start fighting without even listening to what the other person has to say. While equality touches every aspect of life, the most sensitive area is that of a man and a woman, because well, humans rule the world. 

I stand with equality for both sexes, that's for sure. But I'm not here to educate you. I stopped trying to a long time ago because I've learned that people ( men in quote) know what it's all about but some actually derive pleasure in seeing you say the same thing over and over. In the end, it changes nothing.

Take a look at that image above. It was created in an attempt to sell equity because according to them, it's much better than equality. While equity isn't a bad concept, it isn't what women have been trying to achieve from time immemorial. It doesn't set anyone free. It only compromises to make everyone happy. You still do not have that liberation because everything can be taken away from you at anytime. Anyone can decide to remove the chair form under the woman and the child and they won't be able to see anymore. The choice is still not theirs.

Take a look at this image too.

See the freedom?

Why did no one think about removing the actual barrier which is the fence here? That's what equality is all about. Absolute freedom. Equal opportunities in every aspect of life – education, politics, commerce, marriage etc for men women and children. There shouldn't be a discrimination whatsoever. Everyone has a say and the right to choose. 

But like I said earlier, a lot of people, both men and women alike have chosen to misunderstand. And that's quite understandable. Changing the status quo has never been easy. And when it's opposing a privilege, it looks like an attack.

Tell me. Equity and equality, which is it for you?

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3 years ago
