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Avatar for MaryLight
3 years ago

Hello everyone . My name is Marylight.😊 I am a Nigerian. I heard about from a friend and I am delighted to be here now. Wow! I feel already at home knowing that I could get better with reading and writing right here. 😀

Growing up, I had written some articles, but have lost my touch in a very long while, I became a very lazy about reading too. It was just as though something beautiful was missing from me and it got me really worried, because reading and writing good words really made me happy, especially because they are a perfect means of touching the lives of others.

Then, one evening, I mentioned my ''worry '' to a friend who told me about and Eureka! I shouted, I have discovered it; my ''miracle'' is here.🤗

I also got to know that I could earn some cash here. Wow! Isn't it amazing.. I'm getting two packages in one slot. I like to see hardwork rewarded and this platform says a big YES! to that.

Also, when one shares ideas about different aspects of life, others read and learn and share opinions. People's lives are touched in different beautiful ways- that is all I want to live for and so it feels so perfect to be here.

I am eager to read and learn from your ideas and I cannot wait to share my thoughts with you; some might be funny though. However, I just hope I could get your ''smile'' comment. 😁

For now, it's a bow of gratitude from me to for this perfect gift. Thanks for having me here.

Yours truly. Lead image source

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Welcome to and have a pleasant journey. Please feel free to subscribe as many people as possible and yours truly as well. You can check my profile for interesting articles and show your support. That's how it goes here. Good luck

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks a lot Fexonice 😊. It feels really good to be here. I will definitely stop by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago