Hy guys!!
I am new in these job...
My first article where about love and my kid but the relly what I wanna to writte is something what I live all my life
So I am epyleptic!!
Yeas,that is the "thing "about head...
Yeas,I have virus called menigitis...
I drink medicine whole life...
Life with epilepsy is hard.
People look you like you are some kind of invalid...
26.3.is a day of epilepsy and that is a purpple day,because purpple is color of epilepsy.
So guys if you now somebody who have some medical problem,be there for that person,help them...
I am Mary and I am 34 years old.
I got epilpesy when I was 8 years...
So,my life is purpple don't turn your head if you see some girl or boy with purpple T-shirt or purpple neckless.