Avoiding Insults

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3 years ago

Its an embarrassing thing to be looked down on, when people don't see your value, amidst a crowd your voice isn't recognized, you might have even been shut up by someone else, all this leaves a stigma that can make one take a drastic decision just to get back at them, sometimes it's a good push as it can energies you to double your working, but many a time because of lack of patience to take it bit by bit, you could engage in a get rich scheme, and this in turn isn't a good idea, dependent on the scheme you can either loss, or steal or have to by with blood, and the repercussion is always ahead, no one would tell you of the bad side effect but to evey bad engagement there is a reverse bad reaction. That's why the best is to avoid the embarrassment and move smartly, let's dive into the discussion.

First thing to look out for is who are they?, what and how is their attitude to life and to people?, are they the type to push people away who aren't doing as well as they?, have they been embarrassing someone else before?, then why do you feel they won't in turn embarrass you?, what makes you special?, what's your relationship with them?, what's your differences?, all this questions you should ask yourself, as it gives a better understanding of who you're dealing with. Its better to follow the strategic plot of being safe yet having a vivid plan for expansion, so you don't end up feeling bad after the meeting, foresee how it should all play out, so you can plan your defense, but to do this you've got to study them and know what they can and cannot do. Know your people.

Association is a great key to success no doubt, but then you wanna play the game right, if you wanna fake it, then you've got to fake it well, leave no room for suspicion, cause the day they got to know you aren't well to do, plus you are fake, you wouldn't just be embarrassed, you will have successfully stain your image. No doubt many have associated and fake it till they make it, but then they had a good game plan. Your image talks more also on what would get to your pockets, your image talks about who you'll attract, preserve your image, leave no room to be embarrassed, if you're not sure of escaping the foreseen insult, do stay at home, gather enough to relaunch better, that way you might even be the one given them a taste of their own medicine.

Have you tried humility as a game plan, not that you're acting dull or exhibiting low self esteem, but you are humble, open hearted and being of value to them. You wanna associate with the high and mighty, then what have you got to offer?, everyone has what makes them valuable among the crowed, it's their selling point. What have you done that you could be proud of, maximize this, rather than either faking or better, let them see a reason to need you, yet you're humble so they have no reason to be on your bad side. This is the best game plan so far guys, you aren't begging, neither are you lying, you're only hyping your values so they know you can exist fine without them, and yet be full asset to their midst, yet you're the good guy to each, the humble guy they can call to and eventually give you the information that would change your life.

Money, and I mean like huge money isn't just lying in wait for anyone to pick it, money is with the people, someone has to let go for another to receive, its a continuous exchange, but the question is what can you do to collect?, do you beg?, No way, you'll surely get embarrassed, instead you render value. In the midst of people who are likely to look down on you, what do you do, you show forth your value, it isn't just the money, money has a way of making you valuable, no doubt but then if you don't have as much, what do you do then? Your attitude isn't diminished by low money, your value is your boost, so if you don't have money and you don't have value, then start working at both, Value most preferable though, as it brings money and saves your reputation as same time. Money helps you to be valuable in a crowd but can't save your reputation, Yet it is a needed commodity, therefore get money and get value guys.

Thanks a lot guys for reading once again, hope your day is going well, let's get the money as well as being valuable guys, till i write again, please do subscribe and like. Remember I love y'all.

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3 years ago


great article tnx!

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3 years ago

Thanks a lot

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3 years ago

"What have you done that you could be proud of, maximize this, rather than either faking or better, let them see a reason to need you, yet you're humble so they have no reason to be on your bad side." This is very true Mavilion, "Before honour is humility" says the Scriptures. Kudos. wouldn't know if you have seen this from the new NodaWallet Network and their on going token Giveaway https://rebrand.ly/noda-signup...

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3 years ago