What is Exercise ? This exercise is a kind of dance exercise or lifestyles habit of people that we used in reduce stress and luck of energy sometimes we walk in the street, running with your friends or family, brothers that can be enjoy in run in public place sometimes we need to dance zumba and go to the gym to get a higher energy from your body to relax your muscles and vanish all the problems in your mind.
This exercises are pupolar in people because it help to our body that we apply in are work to get more energy if we going to the place or company that you should work, it could be help this exercises for the people that we need to diet our body because this is are goals for everyone to bring it in the future.
They are different varieties of exercises and the type of exercises we engage in, determines some growth in our bodys, muscles and so on. But most importantly, the exercises we do, is good, because it makes us stay healthy.