Why go to college, is college important?

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Avatar for Marques
2 years ago

If you've ever been in business when you were in school and earned an income – especially if the business is already running and providing income, maybe you're still thinking about going to college. Continuing to study in college after graduating from high school is still a confusing choice. Because, after graduating from college, you will still need to look for work, while even now you can already get one.

Reasons for the Importance of College

The question of whether college guarantees success is often raised by prospective students who want to enroll in college. Tuition fees are not cheap and the challenge of being able to graduate with good grades makes applicants rethink whether to go to college or go straight to work. It is natural that at this time you feel very low motivation to enter college. The phenomenon around which shows that people who go to college are no more successful than people who don't go to college can't help but be the reason. What's more, there are big figures who succeeded without going to college because they didn't have the opportunity or because of reasons for dropping out (DO). However, the case of success does not happen to everyone. Only certain people who never give up and use the real world as a learning tool will be successful. For those of you who are still confused about whether to continue studying or not, this article will provide a new perspective.

Why is college so important? 
  • 1. Bachelor Degrees Are Still the Standard for Job Applications

    Looking at job vacancies in various media, usually the standard of D3 or S1 education is included in the criteria for applicants who can apply. Although every D3 or S1 graduate who applies is not necessarily accepted, the existence of these criteria indicates that the opportunity for job selection is greater for graduates with a bachelor's degree than those without a degree. The chances of a graduate being accepted are also greater if it is linear with the type of work. For example, work as an accountant is open to undergraduates with a major in Accounting.

    Consider the college major that you will take because it will more or less affect your career after graduation. Avoid choosing a college major that is considered easy in order to graduate quickly just because you don't want to linger in college. It's best if you find out the job prospects of graduates from the chosen major so you don't get confused after completing your studies and getting your degree.

  • 2. College is the Path to Higher Education Have you ever aspired to have a career in academia, such as being a lecturer to a professor, Sobat Pintar? It can be said that a bachelor's degree is the door to another higher degree. By pocketing a bachelor's degree, you can achieve these goals, although not instantly. The requirement to become a lecturer in Indonesia is currently a minimum master's or master's degree in their field. To get this degree, of course you need to get a bachelor's degree first.

  • 3. Lectures Provide Study Abroad Opportunities

    When you open the official website of a college, you will find a variety of study programs and majors on offer. Interested in the health sector? There is a School of Medicine, a School of Nursing, and a School of Public Health to choose from. Interested in exploring the world of education? The Department of Education at various levels is also wide open. Do you like tinkering with machines and love automotive tools? Mechanical Engineering Department could be the answer.

    Interest in a field since sitting in school can be honed in college. The lecture process with qualified teachers and lecturers also trains students' thinking skills which are not only theoretical, but also practical. Not infrequently the campus will invite experts and experts in their fields.

  • 4. College Gives Many Options for the Future There are not only one course offered when you are a student. For example, when taking the Department of Chemistry Education, Smart Friends not only get courses related to educational aspects, but also courses in Chemistry. This is certainly very beneficial because you can explore many fields to find your true interests. It could be that after graduation you apply to become a teacher or even become a researcher in the field of chemistry.

  • 5. Lectures Provide Organizational Opportunities There are various student organizations specifically for active students. Choosing the right organization is very important for you to grow and learn many new things. However, note that there is a selection in order to become part of the campus-level organization. The opportunity to join the organization will give you experiences that are not found anywhere else. In addition, Sobat Pintar can establish relationships with important figures as well as open up opportunities for wider networking.

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Avatar for Marques
2 years ago


College is a very pleasant thing for those who have a lot of money, because with college they can get a decent job.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, friend, I also really like going to college, even though I don't come from a rich family, but Alhamdulillah, I can go to college too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Working industry is a very competetive world,thus, being a college graduate can differ us from others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, because the world of work is now more concerned with people who have degrees, because people who have degrees are considered proficient and can do their jobs quickly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's quite important to go go college, cos you'll now be at the uppermost part of the labour force, with a chance at quick and better employment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People who are required by work definitely want to go to college so they can get a degree, so that the degree can support their work which increasingly requires a workforce that is smart, careful, and synergized, so that they can complete their work quickly, with lectures the main way that we can do, so that we can can work intelligently, carefully and synergistically.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For parents who already have a business, they think that college is not important, it is much more important when they can develop their parents' business, they think that college costs money, even though this assumption is wrong, because with college the child's mindset is much more developed than the mindset other children in general.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that's a very interesting comment, indeed the assumption that college needs money is a wrong assumption, I also have the same opinion as you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Graduated in college is more advantage in seeking of work coz as you've said it still yhe standard of job application but still being with thatdiploma is not a Guarantee coz it is like a piece of paper which dedication and hardwork will matter the most

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is true that today's diplomas are only in the form of paper and evidence of having studied, what determines a person's ability to work is his skill, if that person has many diplomas but does not have the skills to work then it is meaningless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indonesian people's paradigm is college to find work, so they are not too serious about going to college. Look at them scholars. Do they work in their field of study? Should straighten intention of going to college to seek knowledge, not looking for a diploma that is used to find work. A diploma is only proof that you have been to college, not a guarantee that you master in field of study you take.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is true that people think when they go to college that person will get a decent job, but in reality a decent job is not seen from a person's degree, but is seen from his intention and perseverance in carrying out his work. By working diligently, he will definitely get a raise and get a decent job.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At least college student won't do any bad occurrence.. They always on the ambitious position

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Students are considered as agents of change in society, it is hoped that students can be a good example for the community, so that they are not considered bad in their eyes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly you got my point perfectly

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it is a fact in society that students are agents of change, if students make mistakes, then in the eyes of society it will be very visible that these students have bad character.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah the goods are get more punishment.. Though it's obvious

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true, if a college student makes a mistake, people often look for the child to be punished.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Last time, my one friend asked a same question why to study? I replied to waste time, if we start to earn early age we will be prohibited in the name of child labour. So, we need to pass time so college is important.

Now comes when we are earning? Is college important?

No college is for unemploent ones, where they learn to earn money and spend their free time in chilling with friends. Otherwise, the motto is to earn money, when you are earning why do we need?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

His comments are very good, with lectures it is hoped that students can earn more money than people who don't go to college, college is not an obligation, but college is a demand where humans are required so that their mindset can develop, and with lectures our mindset can develop, with the development of our mindset. have the opportunity for us to find work is also easy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am master degree holder, I am not saying you on the basis of vicariously my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago