Bangali occasion "Pohela boishakh" and my memory.

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2 years ago

Pohela Boishakh

Yesterday was our first Baishakh. The Bengali 12 months of Bangladesh started with Boishakh. The bangla 12 months of Bangladesh are ... Baishakh, Jaistha, Ashar, Shravan, Bhadra, Ashwin Kartik, Agrahayan, Poush, Magh, Falgun and Chaitra.

These 12 months are again divided into 6 seasons. We don't go that way Our discussion will be around Boishakh.

The way the first Baishakh came .....

The first day of the Bengali year is called Pohela Boishakh . The Mughal emperor Akbar introduced the first Baishakh of the Bengali year.

Since then, the first Baishakh has been celebrated . The reason for talking about this first Baishakh is because some of the happiest moments of my life surround this first Baishakh. Today I will say some of them.

Then I used to go to school . In our school, the first Baishakh was celebrated every year and also a big party was organized. Preparations would have started several days before the first Boishakh. Since cultural events were held around the first Baishakh, rehearsals of various items for cultural events started long ago. Our teachers or older brothers who were in charge would come to our class and write down the names of those who were interested in doing cultural events. They were then called in and asked what they were good at and what they wanted to do. Rehearsals were held about 2 weeks before the scheduled date. At that time our class was running as usual. Those who had rehearsals were called from the class. I was good at reciting poetry. So I used to rehearse to recite poetry regularly. Finally, after a long wait, the day we longed for came. When there was an event at our school, we would all go to school very early that day. Because most of the time the responsibility was on us. So we had to go to school and complete almost all the formalities of the ceremony . The first thing we did when we went to school was to see if the school yard was well cleaned. If it hadn't been cleaned, we would have asked our school cleaner to clean it. We had a small space on one side of the field for each of our classes . We used to do small gardens there. A few days before the scheduled date, we would clear our garden and remove the weeds. This would have greatly enhanced the beauty of the garden.

Anyway, now back to what we used to do on the first Baishakh.

The shop was reserved for us by our teacher . I am clearing the matter. Each of the students from class 6 to 10 picked up a variety of products and arranged them in their classroom.

Whenever a guest entered our school, we would force them to pick up a few . Then we would put them in our shop and serve different kinds of food . Then I would demand 2-5 times more than the price of food from them. Some would pay and some would just pay for the food. We used to enjoy this very much . Because then we first learn to earn money. Our shop was open from morning till noon. Then the ceremony would start. When the show started, we would leave the shop and perform at the show. Our program continued till the afternoon. After the program, we would sit down to calculate the profit and loss of our shop. At first we used to calculate the total cost. Then I would calculate the total income and find out the net profit . We used to calculate the per member profit of our total members from the net profit It felt good when we shared the money. Because this was the first income of our life.

"Panta rice" and "hilsa" fish are the most popular on the first Baishakh. Panta rice and Hilsa are an important part of Bengali tradition. However, we have never been able to sell Panta rice, Hilsa . Because Panta rice, Hilsa shop always gave those who dragged the class.

However, this was my school's first Baishakh celebration. Now the first Baishakh is not celebrated. Because time is short. Moreover, now there is no cultural mindset. So I am away from all this.

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2 years ago
