Song of the Youth by: Rivermaya

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4 years ago

Friday - October 16, 2020

This song has been around for a long time. As a child, I used to hear this but now I only understand as I listen to this song what this song means and the message is beautiful.

The song of the youth song is about young people who have heard their prayer that they will be allowed to prove that they are also useful in the world. The song also says that the people around them do not understand them so they can do bad things that make people look ugly to them. The song is a good example for everyone.

It is also one of the youth groups that they are training to uphold their rights and abilities as a Filipino. That the elders force them to come down and say "You can't" but they resisted or proved it and showed them that even when they are young they cannot be underestimated.

This is the lyrics of the song translated into English.

We are being laughed upon
And he world is preaching
The youth has gone
In our heads
If you want to shout at us
Why don't you try
You will be misunderstood more

The hymn of the youth
The hymn of the season

Until tomorrow

We'll sing it now
You cannot count us
Nor be imprisoned
We are many but we only have one

Our passion
The hymn of the youth
The hymn of the season

Until tomorrow

We'll sing it now

And when the night sets in

Our prayers are heard
By the youth thirsty
For true love
Missing, lost
Searching for a friend
Wondering, asking
When will they listen to us
If you want to dare us
Why don't you try

Try to stop me
Try us
The hymn of the youth

The hymn of the season
Until tomorrow
We'll sing it now

Some of the song created by Filipinos, one of them is 'youth' or 'Kabataan' because young people are one of the main people here in our country, young people dream high to have a good life so it is made of beautiful songs that immerse you in livelihood, vision, dreams, pleasure and whatever else is felt or happening among the youth here in our country.

The selected songs of our composers are important for young people because most of these songs refer to or reflect the behavior of young people and likewise, it is important for young people especially in today's times. To keep in the minds of the youth the songs that awakened the Filipino people in a colorful world. Many of the songs they make and discuss the events around them or they can help a lot to make young people aware of the events taking place in the environment.

Also, it will expand the knowledge of young people on "OPM songs" that are now buried in oblivion. As a result, the recognition and understanding of one's music will also be expanded. Through this, they will also inspire even their songs to young people to also write songs and discover their other talents and express the things they want to express by writing songs and can serve as a bridge to learn each the moans or whatever they want to convey.

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4 years ago
