How to heal wounds caused by Father or Mother / Como sanar heridas causadas por Padre o Madre

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3 months ago

How to heal wounds caused by Father or Mother:

* Make a self-diagnosis of how you feel about that wound or define the wound.

* Try to forgive, perhaps your father or mother is not aware of how they made you feel or the damage they could have caused you.

* Try to start a new relationship with him or her.

* Try to understand the story of his or her growth and childhood, the way in which he or she was formed will reflect how he or she will also be formed.

Como sanar heridas causadas por Padre o Madre:

  • Hacer un autodiagnostico de como te sientes con respecto a esa herida o definir la herida.

  • Intenta perdonar quizás tu padre o madre no esta consiente de como te hizo sentir o del daño que pudo haberte causado.

  • Intenta empezar una nueva relación con el o ella.

  • Intenta comprender la historia de su crecimiento y su infancia, la manera en como lo formaron reflejara como el o ella formara también.

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3 months ago
