"The Golden Hour"(Beautiful Sunset)

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Avatar for MarisSy
3 years ago

Hi guys how are you? Its me again Maris sharing you again another beautiful sunset photo that I capture earlier. As you noticed most of my articles topics are sunset or all about skies because that is one of my favorite view when im taking some photos especially when it all about sunset/sunrise.

I just made some little tweaks on my photo and I hope you like it. Again if you have some recommendation or opinions just let me know so that I can applied it in my next article or photo. Actually as what I said in my previous article im just a beginner in terms of photography so theres a lot of big room to improve. So hope you like my photo. Take care always guys.

Keep helping and sharing to those who need our help especially to those our brothers and sisters that less fortunate in these trying times. Take care always.

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Avatar for MarisSy
3 years ago
