I experience to work as a working student at McDonald's. I am 17 years old when I started to work in McDonald's, my every day routine is house, school, work, work,school, house. Being part ogf McDonald's family is a pleasure to me because I met new people and McDonald's teach me how to smile even your customer is unpleasant , even you are angry just smile and be patient. McDonald's is a big part of my life because in McDonald's help me to boost my confident and also in financial. One of the best experience as a employee of McDonald's you have so many previlages like free meals and in our store every 15/30 of the month we have a special meals and one things is when you buy to the store where you work you have an employee discount and as a Student it so very greatful for me that I can save more money.
Di ba mhrp magwirk sa mcdo sis??