Tips for in vitro fertilization

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3 years ago

Mediterranean nutrition and summer increase up to three times the chances of successful in vitro fertilization, world research has shown, which is why doctors remind couples who intend to have children in this way that summer is the time of year in which they can influence their wishes to become parents.

Expectant parents can influence the improvement of preconditions for successful in vitro fertilization, because on the one hand they can eliminate harmful factors and habits such as stress, smoking and alcohol, while on the other hand a healthy lifestyle and special nutrition will significantly improve the condition of the organism.

The great importance of nutrition in the process of in vitro fertilization was confirmed by one of the most comprehensive research conducted so far at Harvard, in which about 18,000 couples participated for several years. By changing five or more habits related to diet and exercise, women who had problems with ovulation, which is the cause of 18 to 30 percent of sterility, reduced the risk of infertility by as much as 80 percent, the research showed.

What is the relationship between pregnancy and melatonin levels?

A study conducted at the Women's Hospital in Liverpool showed that in the summer, the chances of getting pregnant in the process of in vitro fertilization are three times higher because women need ovulation-stimulating drugs to a significantly lesser extent than during the winter months. In addition, doctors have discovered that the hormone melatonin, which affects sleep, also has an effect on a woman's fertility being higher during the sunny months.

Melatonin, the hormone of the pineal gland, is manifested exclusively during the night and is important when women try to get pregnant, because it protects their ovaries from oxidative stress. Melatonin has strong antioxidant properties and protects the ovaries from free radicals, especially when women are ovulating.

What type of food is desirable for successful in vitro fertilization?

The nutrition advises whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as proteins with a lower fat content, which are found primarily in fish, dairy products, poultry and other "lean" meat, as well as protein of plant origin. Iron and folic acid and its derivatives are especially important in this preconception period and they are mostly found in green vegetables, but vitamin cocktails with these ingredients in the form of prenatal tablets are often recommended.

Foods rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids are especially suitable for people who are entering the process of in vitro fertilization. A little red wine, olive oil, as well as fish meat are traditional sources of these ingredients. However, one should be careful with fish, because certain fish, due to sea pollution, also have a high level of mercury, which is certainly not a friend of a planned pregnancy. Therefore, fish that are known to contain less mercury such as trout, salmon, catfish, and others should be chosen.

In men, in addition to the above, it is advisable to increase the consumption of zinc, selenium and other antioxidants at least 3 months before the procedure of in vitro fertilization.



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3 years ago


I know couples who have had children thanks to in vitro fertilization, and on the other hand I know couples who have been on in vitro fertilization several times and failed ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We are somehow weakly attached to fish, we are very wrong, I think everyone should include fish in their menu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We have an upcoming Christmas fast, where we can start correcting mistakes in our diet ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I didnt know that nutrition has such an important role in fertilization.I also adire Mediterranean food.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, diet plays a very important role. Research on this topic has also shown that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This article of your great, phenomenal, I have no word to praise to describe it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much! I'm glad you read the article and liked it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank God, I have three healthy children and I am a very happy mom! This article of yours is great, phenomenal, I have no words of praise to describe it. It is very useful for everyone who struggles and fails.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I believe that these tips will be useful to people who are struggling to fulfill themselves in the role of parents.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If the right person who needs it looks at them and applies them, I'm sure they will benefit. I'm really excited about the article. <3

$ 0.00
3 years ago