What really happened?

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3 years ago
Topics: Story

Nueva Vizcaya,Philippines

A loving father and husband who is a farmer and a generous and understanding mother and wife who is a banker,has only one child.This child is now 23 years of age,went to a University in Baguio City and now a registered pharmacist and single.Being an orphan after May 2017,devastated by the fact,she suffered confusion and loneliness.Weeping everyday drove her away from her friends and relatives and even affected her daily life.

On this year 2017,it was her 2nd year of studying Pharmacy,when she heard the sad news,she can no longer concentrate on her subject that time,trembling and shaking,still she managed to answer the phone call.She sob and cried out loud that everybody wants to comfort her,but nothing and no one knows how painful it was.On that day,she decided to leave the school and has to travel way back home.

Got no longer excited when she reached home.A haven when she compares home everytime she visits her parents,but now she sees her home as graveyard.Her heart sunk when she saw her dad and mom inside a coffin.Crying so hard that she could hardly breath.Asking why this tragedy had to happen to her.

Both parents got a gunshot on May 2,2017,her dad in his head and her mom got a gunshot wound left subcostal area and eventually died the day after the incident.Nobody knows the reason even their daughter,according to neighbors and relatives,they are quiet couples,hard workers and religious (Born Again Christians).

As an only child and sole heir,her parents left her a certain properties,vehicles and even bank accounts,she managed to accept the reality and moved on with her life.She is now living in Baguio City with relatives and friends.She is already working and planning to build her own drugstore and manage it.Until now when she thinks about the tragedy,still cannot believed what really happened and who were the culprits.

Praying for their souls and lifting them all up to God enlightens her heart.That one day she will give justice to her parents.❤️

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3 years ago
Topics: Story
