Struggling mom of 3 when...

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Avatar for Marie0316
3 years ago
Topics: Journey

Morning rush,I have to settle things first hour in the morning before going to work.I'm used to this everyday routine..waking up at 4 am is never quite easy,disposing of garbage,watering of plants while sweeping the surroundings,clean the house while my youngest son Abram is sleeping.When my only brother died last 29 of December 2020,my other was left alone,so I had to ask my eldest son Kobe ,who's 20 years old and Andrei who's 17 to stay and live with their "lola" since her house is just adjacent to my house.

When I went abroad (Cyprus) after teaching secondary for almost 7 years under PSB fund(Provincial School Board,I decided to leave and work abroad.Thinking about your family esp.the kids makes me cry but I have to deal with my homesickness. I left my 2 boys to my husband who that time is jobless Days and years passed,I surpassed my loneliness,hence,I concentrate to work and send money.When my husband also decided to go abroad,I have to go home and take his place(take care of our kids).

When my husband left,I heard a rumor between my childhood best friend,who lives near our house and my husband.I trust my friend and husband and never give that a rumor a damn.That moment when my husband left,all I had was my best friend Joan,a teacher also in a public school.We shared secrets as well as problems,through thick and thin we're together.On the day my husband decided to stay and work back here in the Philippines,that is the time I discovered their hidden affair.Knowing my husband,he's kind and understanding,never in my dreams did I know that this will eventually change.

I learned to stand alone and have to face the reality.It's no use of crying over a spilled milk and even asking my husband back.Marriage is not only about love and understanding or affection,it's about RESPECT too.I sent my 2 sons in a private school for almost 8 years without asking any single cent from my husband. God is good since He gave me a job and a real state agent as my part time.I I built my own house and support my two kids as well as my widowed mom.

It was almost 10 years when I met another guy. Like me he was also devastated with his past wife.Finding each other,we have lots in common,he has 2 daughters too.He never hid anything from me since he is also a childhood friend of mine.We enjoyed each other's company,util we decided to stay together since my husband and his wife already already had partners.

Abram,my youngest son who just turned 2 last September 11,brought us joy.Even how hard life is especially now,my partner is also jobless,I never cared much since he also exerts effort to help me through buy and sell(cars and motorcycles).My partner also considered my 2 eldest son as his.I am contented now,more than happy even I still struggle about financial but I keep on looking for something to add up with y salary since I'm already working in a government.It's good to know about crypto currency where you can share your thoughts,experiences and ideas,as well as earning.I hope I can live more years to be with my three sons and loved ones.I am thankful to my partner for accepting me and my kids and my family for understanding me.

We only live once and we have to make the best of it.😊

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Avatar for Marie0316
3 years ago
Topics: Journey



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