Confusion & Curiousity

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Avatar for Marie0316
3 years ago
Topics: Motivation

Hearing about cryptocurrency for the first time raised my brows. I have to ask my niece since she's exposed to this "x world",but all she said was she never tried to read more about bitcoin.Not well interested about it but I was so curious since one of my co worker is a bit addict about it and even told me that this is not a scam since she experienced receiving money from this.At first hearing that she is earning without spending a single cent and even convinced her boyfriend to join and participate too..and through this,her boyfriend who is an orphan somewhat help him with his daily allowance.he also writes articles.

On the second thought,I wonder and still confuse about the graphs I see,the BCH as cash,crypto currency,the dollar sign and the bitcoin itself and find myself reading articles about it and slowly analyzing and digesting the truth about bitcoin.I also read about there shops accepting bitcoin(cash) in exchange and the latest was the Pay Maya,they are already accepting bitcoin.

I downloaded as well as and bitcoin.wallet as starter.I got excited when I received my first $0.020 to my first post and feeling really happy,I was even more motivated by that positive reaction,I begun to share my daily thoughts.As a result I even taught my son to do so and share his ideas as well as his original drawings and insights since he loves reading and writing.Like me he's happier than I thought when he received $0.080 for his first post.Until I found myself introducing BCH to my neighbors and now would you believe everybody is doing it in our block and everyone for excited especially when they update their coins.In addition,receiving free tips is like reaching cloud nine,too much excited and happy.I'm glad and thankful I was introduced to this.

Not well knowledgeable about it but I'm really curious to know deeper about it.I have to do it step by step to really understand how this thing works and how to profit more and how this thing will help me lighten my burdens especially on financial matters.I hope my experience will not lead me to confusion and still concentrate to my work as well as making this bitcoin thing my past time( part time maybe)while earning.

Happy Monday😊

$ 0.00
Avatar for Marie0316
3 years ago
Topics: Motivation



$ 0.00
3 years ago