I wanna grow old with you🥰

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2 years ago

Hi there, to all members of the red dot cash family. today is Saturday, May 07, 2022, and all I want for today is only a good and blessed day for all of us!.

I woke up at 3:00 am today to prepare everything needed for my partner because he will go to ALCOY CEBU, which is our hometown. for some business matter charr! hahaha

So this article that I want to share with you guys is all about me and my partner, what kind of relationships we had and how we are growing together as a couple and proud parents to our daughter.

I want to show the whole world how much I love him and I'm so proud to say that he's the one that I want to grow old with.

Our love story begin;

We met 13 years ago,he's only 21 years old and I was only 18 years old that time.we have the same workplace and common friends.some of my female colleagues was very 'kilig' every time he enters in our working area. and I don't know why and I sad that to myself

''bakit madami nagka crush sa taong ito di naman kagwapuhan"..hahahaha

One time, he approached me and ask if I have a load on my phone he wants it to borrow to take some call to someone. and I let him use my phone. but it was his intention all along to get my number secretly. I always ignore him because I don't want to get involved in anything about him.

He had 2 girlfriends at that time, or should I say he's a 'womanizer'.

We have the same boss at that time and no choice we always encounter.

Until we become buddies and jam with our friends every payday (weekly wages).until we exchange advices and sharing of secrets.hahahaha"best friends be like"??

Until one day, he told me that his girlfriend wanted to stay with him and rent a small room for them. I only replied to him, "yeah that's a good and right thing to do to have a good home with someone you want to be with. but he replied:I want to be with you!.

I was shocked, and ask him why me?? we are not lovers and I'm your only friend. he told me that he used to be with me all the time and wanted to be with me where ever I go.

He is from Mindanao and his parents died when he is still young, his siblings were far away from Luzon.

I took him home with me, and he faced my parents and ask permission to be with me.

We all know that in a relationship,there's a struggle not just only happiness all the time.everytime we fight I asked him to go away and never come back.hahaha for me it's normal in the relationship, until 3 months of being together, I got pregnant to our daughter and now she's 12 years old.

Many years goes by...

Our relationship were become better and stronger.He never cheated on me and every day he says that he love our family so much and that we are his home.

He works so hard for our family, he always care for us. and in return, I would love and respect him until the very end of our journey.

And I realized that he's the one...

I wanna grow old with you;-)

My thoughts:

Never compare your partners to any body who has a better standard, give your love and respect in a way to grow your relationship with each other and have A peaceful home for a longest time.

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2 years ago


Hi friend. Nice to meet you here. You were meant to each other really. Hoping you will stay together and forever.

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2 years ago

Nice to meet you here,,I hope so friend bawat oras iba-iba ang mangyayari di natin alam ano ang bukas kaya dapat sulit araw araw

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2 years ago

I am also writing a post but views and comments do not come, what should I do?

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2 years ago

Find more friends. Read also their articles and subscribe.

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2 years ago

Wow 13 years, ang layo na sis.

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2 years ago

Oo nga sis 18 years old pa ako nun ng ngsama kami pero no regrets naman masaya

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2 years ago

Ang bata mo pa Pala noon, ngunit worth it Naman Kasi may 12 years old kana, naa nay masugo haha.

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2 years ago

Hahaha maojud naa nay musugo pud

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2 years ago

Akoa Kay 4 years old pa, reklamadir kaayos tanan jud, cya Ra daw cgeg sugoon, ma high blood jud ko haha

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2 years ago