Illustrating: If You Dream It You Can!

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Avatar for MariaSeijas
2 years ago
Topics: Artist, Relato corto, Art, Digital, Energy, ...

Hello to all friends, I am new to this platform and I am pleased to share with you my work in illustration.

Telling you a little about my story, I had no idea about drawing at all, I helped a friend who is a designer with advertising themes and sometimes to export and save files of his works, but nothing more.

I really started from scratch, he asked me if I liked graphic design but not really, I really only helped him for work and pay, then a client asked us if we illustrated and we said no since he only designed more I did not know how to illustrate.

After that I started my path towards learning, I started with a very basic tablet with a program called MediBang Paint which is a very good program to learn, since you can download it on the tablet or phone and it has very good updates.

Image courtesy of MediBang

They were really very basic illustrations, they weren't good for selling but for practice they weren't bad, I just made lines but I didn't paint them.

Then I got a taste for it and I really did improve. To all the people who believe that they really are not useful for many things, I leave my story, I knew absolutely nothing about illustrating and although I still consider that I know very little, it does not stop me from continuing to grow and learn.

My name is Maria Jose Seijas and I am happy to share my material with you.

Current Photo of my Illustrations

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @DreamChaser001
Avatar for MariaSeijas
2 years ago
Topics: Artist, Relato corto, Art, Digital, Energy, ...


Your works look great, i do you Photoshop but I still haven't had the chance to see the interface of adobe illustrator on Photoshop

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very beautiful works! I will be expecting for more of your illustrations. Medibang is a very good tool for digital art. I used it for a time and i really recommend it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much indeed, if MedibangPaint is a very good program to start with, although in the end I switch to Adobe Illustrator

$ 0.00
2 years ago