That's Your Lot- Crypto News Round Up, Jan 30th

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3 years ago

A quick-fire Saturday catch up.

Ripple has filed a response to the SEC’s lawsuit against XRP. In the response Ripple requested clarification on the classification of Ether (Ethereum) and Chinese control of both Ether and Bitcoin. The full response can be found here:

The world’s richest man (and arguably most notorious shit-poster) Elon Musk managed to pump the price of Bitcoin by 20% merely by changing his twitter bio to: Bitcoin. All adding further intrigue to the current Wall Street vs. Main Street battle with rumours that Elon is a member of r/WallStreetBets. Expect further twists and turns here.

Both Coinbase and Binance suffered issues yesterday with Coinbase going offline briefly and Binance forced to suspend withdrawals. The issues seem related to the recent surge in interest in crypto following the aforementioned tweet by Musk.

In one of the more interesting uses of blockchain technology to date, rape survivor and entrepreneur Maddison Campbell plans to launch the first DIY rape kit using the Ethereum blockchain. The project is not without its skeptics but Ms. Campbell seems determined to make it a reality.

Right, That’s your lot. Have a great weekend.

$ 0.57
$ 0.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for MarKlar
3 years ago
