The First Step in Finding Peace is looking for Place

5 34

March 3, 2022

Hello everyone! While writing this article I'm currently fighting with my sleepy head because of a tiring day. I officially transfer apartment after several months of planning. Last October 2021 I live in a small room with a poor data connection and every time we have a class I go outside. Insects love the type of my blood, great suckers though

We are in the side of high way so we can easily access public transportation. The bad side is we can feel from our bones the 18 whiller truck passing HAHAHA it's okay for us since we used to live in a large city before.

I want to tour you inside of our apartment. I'm really excited to share this with you pips! This is the corner of our room that makes sense hahahaha

Mini window studio

Own Photo- I wanted to add some plants, it can compliment in the color?

I have now my corner where I will recite and video making. In virtual class, we are filled with numerous projects that involve online writing, video editing, and demo teachings. Surely that the products of online classes are skilled with digital techniques and knowledge.

High Bed!

Own Photo- Bed making or Love Maki... Nah nevermind HAHAHA

I used to sleep in a small bed and the length of it will nearly touch the floor. Now I feel like falling, I hope I can sleep straight tonight hahahaha I know most of you here have sleeping bed syndrome ( I just created a syndrome LOL) where you can't sleep early because of sleeping in other beds or house. Like you can't poop in others' toilet HAHAHA

Clay Pot Stove

Own Photo- That's rice. An asian must have food hahahahaha

I will bid goodbye to this shinny cauldron. In a few days, the surface will turn into a pure black pot HAHAHA. The cooking is slow but it's temporary for now. Once I got my scholarship allowance I will surely buy a gas type stove HAHAHA. I try to compute the price of everyday buying of charcoal within a month and its less expensive but the convenience of using gas stove is faster than clay pots.

I also have the best budol while buying kitchen and dining things look at this orange pitcher. So cuteeee! The color compliments the hue of the walls and the price? For only 39 pesos or $0.78. I paired it with orange juice for tonight's dinner. We will be having canned tuna for the first meal ( We need to tighten up the budget) HAHAHAHA

Own Photo- tangy pitcher

My cat can run now without bumping his head. Aice's head always hit our bed frame before. When we arrived the first thing He does is to observe the area ( He looks like a king roaming in his new kingdom Hahaha)

After checking he started to play and role over the plastic bags his favorite toy (Got tired of buying cat toys. He loves plastic bags and a cap of soda)

Own Photo - My bigboy

Arranging our clothes and things around is much easier than packing up. Well, the fulfillment will follow after you can see the result afterward.


Remember that a plant can grow in its preferred environment. Like in people, we grow in a place we can feel comfort, support, and freedom. The first thing to do is to find peace and do everything we want is to look for a place where we can show the full extent of our abilities. If that place you're staying right now doesn't bring you peace make a step to get yourself out of that place. Do not push grapes to live in a bunch of rocks and hot weather. It will not surely give the sweet taste of the fruit or even die. It must grow in well fertile soil and cold weather. Be like grapes. Grow and prosper where you can find peace so you can taste the sweet future for you.

Thumbnail photo credit to unsplash

Thank you for reading everyone! Stay safe always.


$ 0.34
$ 0.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @MoonTrader
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Tiktoker ni ba kay naay ring light.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ga hubo bitaw ko nya baligya nudes. Char HAHAHHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang ganda naman ng apartment niyo friend. Hehe natawa ako dun sa parang ma falling na pala bed mo my friend. 😅 Hindi naman siguro my friend. Yung pitcher ang cute pa naman. 🥰 Yung kulay napaka cute. 🥰 At andyan din si memeng. Mahilig ka pala sa cat. Ingat ka diyan my friend. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you ang ganda nga butas naman bulsa every month HAHAHA ou friend dami ko nang naging cats dati namamatay lang itong si aice lang naka survive. Stay safe lagiii @JRamona

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe kaya yan Marcos. Ah ganun ba nakakaawa naman. 🥺 Thank you Marcos. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago