You Have To Do It
When that alarm clock goes off at four or five in the morning Your mind says 'no' you just say, this is what we do. It is what we do now because to get to where you want to go the amount of pain involved, I'm saying physical I'm not saying you get to break yourself off. The amount of mental pain of how many times you're going to have to do something that you don't want to do. To get to where you want to go, that's going to be more times you do something that you don't want to do, you something that you don't want to do you are going to want to do it.
That's your new norm of what we just have to do and then once you do this over and over again it becomes like breathing. We didn't know that we are doing it, that's how you have to live your life. It's not a magic trick I don't want to live this lifestyle but you get to the other side of this I have to so, if you really want it you realize what trying is and what trying is not.
I've never understood why I have become a big star, the only thing I know I do which again sounds very cliche, is that I just work hard and I'm very focused and I don't look at anything else, even my wife and my children keep telling me that. You've worked 20years around the clock why are you doing this? I don't think I need the money, I don't think I'm greedy for more fame I tell everyone if I not working, I'm depressed.
I don't know if it's a curse or a blessing but I just keep working, I think I have this fear that you have very few days in life and you need to cram it up with lots of things you need to fit it with so, many things in it that you don't space for life it should be like that. When I'm not working, I get lonely, I get depressed, I get sad. You have to be prepared to take any and every opportunity that's presented to you alright, nothing just going to happen it is all on you other people can educate you and help you but you take these different experiences, that you learn that stick with you.
There's always the next level your definition of greatness and what you want to achieve could be totally different than somebody else's. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get but if you work really hard and you are king. Amazing things will happen your failure and your success is on you, everyone's going to hit adversity it's how you deal with adversity and a keyword is 'you' not letting something else deal with the adversity. You have to deal with adversity and how you deal with it are you going to fight through it? Or are you going to curl up and just roll over into the corner?
Thank you so much for reading this article
You are absolutely right my friend, success depends on each one of us. If we don't make an effort, if we don't work on what we want, we will never reach our goal. There will always be people who will support us or tell us that we should not strive so hard, but if we want to strive and that makes us happy, we must try to talk to those people, especially if it is our family and explain that our way to feel good and happy is when we strive to the maximum, I hope you keep striving friend and achieve your goals, I wish you much success