The Most Dangerous Person Can Go Through Hell Alone And Still Rise

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Alone, Positive, Advice, Blog

I think some people are born with, let's say, the character of a sheep, which doesn't mean a sheep is a bad animal. It just means a sheep is a sheep, and other people may be born with a character that is a little bit more similar to that of a tiger. It's about understanding where your nature comes from—what is your natural aspiration? why?

Life is a difficult process, and unless you have the ability to be dangerous, you are not prepared for it. Those who possess swords and know how to use them while keeping them sheathed will inherit the world. That's a much more logical way of looking at it. You have to be powerful and formidable, then peaceful, in that order, right? And that's not the same as being naive, weak, and harmless; that's a very bad idea.

It's a very bad idea because being naive, weak, and harmless means that you can't withstand the tragedies of life, you can't bear any responsibility, and you'll end up bitter, and when you get bitter, you get dangerous. always keep going You know, there have been times, particularly in my career, where it just feels like this is the end, but what I've come to find out is that no matter what happens, the storm eventually ends, and you want to make sure that you're ready.

So I've really learned to put one foot in front of the other, good, bad, or indifferent, as eventually that storm passes. Once you expand your identity, you're going to basically keep where you are; you might improve a little or not; you might go up and down a bit; but you're going to stay within the realm.

If you're going to have an explosive breakthrough to another level physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually, then we got to know; we got to give you the tools; we got to shift that internal sense of who you really are and have you find it; you are more than anything that's ever happened to you; you can handle whatever shows up, even if it's incredibly scary or uncomfortable; every day can be a win; every day can be meaningful; every day can be a win.

I may have lost a leg, but I still have one. My gratitude and reality are both on the same level; the reality is that I lost one. The gratitude is that I got one. What it's really going to take for you to get to that next level is to understand that the person that you are has gotten you as far as it's ever going to get you, so you've got to become a new person; you literally have to adapt. When things are going well, be calm. Don't think you're on top of the world in that sense.

You've always got to be wary, because I've seen it. I've seen people come. I've seen people go. You've got to be chill. You've got to, like, just take what's good in your life and move forward cautiously and carefully, and thank God that you have that. It's very important not to overextend yourself when you think you can.

You are not responsible for what occurred to you; you survived what happened to you; however, you do have a responsibility to heal yourself and do the work necessary to heal yourself. Change to become the happy, fulfilled person you were born to be.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Alone, Positive, Advice, Blog
