The Key Is In Not Spending Time But In Investing It

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1 year ago
Topics: Time, Positive, Quotes, Life, Advice, ...

When that alarm clock sounds at 4 or 5am, your mind says no. You just say, This is what we do now. It's what we do because to get to where you want to go, the amount of pain involved, the amount of mental pain of how many times you will have to do something you don't want to do just give me a few more times you do something you don't want to do and then it will become your new norm. And then once you do this over and over again, it becomes like breathing.

I don't want to live this lifestyle. To get to the other side of this, I have to accept conditions as they exist. In life, we have two primary options, accept conditions as they are or take responsibility to change them. Overtime, many people want to avoid taking responsibility for their lives. They simply want to discuss the issue. Every time you see them, they'll tell you their story over and over again. No, you want to take responsibility for your life. I got myself here.

I can get myself out of this, and I'm getting out. I'm not going to be a volunteer victim. When you see people who achieve great things, you automatically think, "That guy is so lucky." She's so lucky. You don't know that you're assuming that going to work every day for 20 years will make you a multi-millionaire. That's how luck works. That's action and reaction Quit using the word "luck. Begin to believe in luck and begin to believe in yourself. Begin to believe in the outcomes of your actions.

When that alarm clock goes off, there's at least 50% of the time where you just feel that soft little pillow is just caressing your head and you want to stay there, and it takes discipline to go nope, I'm gonna get up out of bed and I'm gonna do what I'm supposed to do. Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do. I should lose weight, exercise, spend more time with my children, work harder, make more phone calls, I should, I should, I should. And then what happens?

People don't do their duties, and they get mad at themselves and do what I call "all over themselves." They beat themselves up about it. What changes people is when you should become a must, when suddenly the thing you said should happen has to happen. That's when human beings change. If you want to be great, if you want to be the best mother ever at what you do, you could be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be obsessed and driven to succeed

That's what it takes. It takes every second of your life. Nobody says balance Yeah, balance is important for a lot of people, but if you want to go to that edge where people do not like you, don't understand you, question everything you do, you have arrived when people don't understand you anymore. You've reached that point of obsession and motivation. This is the reality.

Nobody will believe in you unless you have already accomplished your goal. Nobody will come to celebrate with you unless you've already done it. But work is going to come before belief, which means you're going to have to work for a long time by yourself with no applause and no awards. With nobody telling you, good job.

Then, as you begin to build something and people begin to see the momentum and results, and you begin to do some things, you will gain some belief. And then what's going to happen is that you're going to believe it. You're going to do some more work. The results are going to come in. More people are going to believe it. Nobody believes in you because you haven't accomplished anything. That's the reality.

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Avatar for Maonx
Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Time, Positive, Quotes, Life, Advice, ...
