Focus Like An Eagle

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Focus, Life, Experience, Dream, Motivation, ...

That's a hundred and some feet in the air, and that eagle is flying around, and all of a sudden it looks down into the Atlantic Ocean and it sees its prey, it sees the fish, and all of a sudden, bam!

All that eagle does is one time it brings out his wings, the next time it shows his face toward where he is going, it puts his head down and, boom, it dives down.

It doesn't look to the right, it doesn't look to the left, it doesn't look up, it doesn't look farther down, it looks straight at its prey and it goes to catch up. Straight down into the Atlantic Ocean, eyes focused, arms outstretched, wind blowing, and it scoops up its prey and keeps going. It's got to be like that.

You've got to focus on one thing. Everything seems important when you try to make your goals become a reality, but everything is not important.

You have got to make a decision. What's first? What's second? What's third?

Somebody says if you chase two rabbits, you'll get nothing. Stop focusing on four things at once. I need you to focus on one thing. Some people will talk about you. There will be many distractions.

There are people who will say, "You're not qualified." There are people who won't give you a shot when you have goals and dreams. You will have tribulation. I didn't say you might. You will.

It's going to be extremely challenging for you, but here's what I can say to you: you are exceptional. You are different. You are uncommon. All you had was a dream and the determination that you were going to make it.

What is your motivation?

Do you have to find out what your motivation is?

Do you have to find out what drives you and what moves you?

What motivates you to get up in the morning?

What's your reason for going to work?

What can you do every day, all day for free once you've tapped into the why?

Once you know why you do what you do, once you know what moves will drive you, Once you get that, I'm telling you, man, there's nothing you can't do.

I'm not getting paid for the people who watch this, but my motivation, my drive, is to help people, not only academically and socially, but personally, make their dreams become a reality. When you're passionate about what you do, you don't have to chase your dreams. You don't have to chase your goals.

Guess what, they'll start chasing you right away. There's no progress, so whatever you're willing to struggle for, you can have whatever you like.

$ 0.29
$ 0.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Freedom007
Avatar for Maonx
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Focus, Life, Experience, Dream, Motivation, ...
