Confidence Comes From Discipline And Training

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2 years ago

If you don't have the discipline, I don't think you have much of anything. If you cannot give yourself a command and follow it, you are probably not going to go much further than you are. You're going to have to tell yourself to go out and do this regardless of how many things are trying to stop you. We say it takes guts. It does take guts.

You can want stuff and you can want it. We know it's good to want, but if you don't have discipline, if you haven't married discipline, you're going to stay where you are. That's not a good place to be. 99 percent of people are unwilling to go to the lengths necessary to make their dreams a reality. The key to bringing any dream to fruition is self-discipline. Discipline does not mean control. It's not about controlling yourself.

It's about having the sense to do exactly what's needed. It simply means that you can do what is required in any given situation rather than what you want to do. That is, you are essentially not acting out of your personal compulsions but according to the requirements of the situation. Here we are, a crazy bunch, but trust me, when something needs to be done, everything is done the way it needs to be done. It will happen.

This is what the world requires. It's not about controlling ourselves, it's not about conditioning ourselves to respond in standard ways, but being able to do what is needed. It's not about controlling ourselves, it's not about conditioning ourselves to respond in standard ways, but being able to do what is needed beyond my own ideas of what I like and dislike, simply by doing what is needed in a given situation.

This is not only going to make the situation beautiful, it is also a wonderful way to grow for you because your growth is always in going beyond the limitations of what you know. I don't care how good you are at anything, if you don't have discipline, you ain't nobody's right. You're nothing without discipline because you give up on the slightest struggle without it.

Doing what you despise while loving it is 100% discipline. If you can do that, you can succeed in any field. When you're a kid, your old potential, your chaotic potential, can manifest itself in any number of ways, and maybe you don't want to give that up, so you're like Peter Pan.

You want to be a kid forever because you don't want to waste your potential, and when you look around, all you see are captains hooks, you know, who've lost a hand and are chased by death because that's the clock in the crocodile. It's already got a taste of him being terrified by death, and he's a tyrant.

Well, I don't want to grow up to be that, so I won't be disciplined at all. That's not good because the way potential transforms itself into actuality is through discipline. "Well, I'm not sure what to do," I say. That's fine, it says. Go do something. Do the best thing that you can think of. Put the best plan you have into practice.

It's not going to be perfect and it will change along the way, but it will change partly because you become disciplined in pursuing the path, and as you become disciplined you become wiser, and Discipline leads to wisdom, and wisdom leads to the ability to devise better and better plans. That's just not normal, guys, and what's not normal is what your body doesn't know, and everybody doesn't know what it is.

That's forced to adapt. That adaptation leads to growth only when people weak in life go after things and attempt things they already know they can achieve. You've got to do something you're not quite sure about. If you want to switch it up, that's where growth comes to a man. That's where your body is forced to adapt. You were forced to suffer the discipline today, so you will never suffer the form of regret tomorrow. That's what it's about.

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2 years ago


dsicipline make your life meaningfull and active

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2 years ago