Action Is The Foundational Key To All Success

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2 years ago

I know you don't feel like doing it, but do it anyway. You versus you, and the next level awaits. It's on you. You must take the first step. I see faith without works is dead, so I need you to take action right now. As you see, action is the foundational key to our success, and when you take action today, you put yourself in a position to be blessed tomorrow.

I know they're not doing that right now, but what they do has got nothing to do with you. Get your butt up off the couch, get your butt up out of the kitchen, get your brother back to the house, and go do something right now to put yourself in a position to win tomorrow. Greatness cannot be borrowed.

Personal power is the ability to take action even when you don't feel like it. Personal power is the ability to do things that others will not do today so that you can wake up tomorrow and live the life you want to live. That's why you are in that gym, putting in all of those hours.

That's why you are studying so hard for your test. That's why you are in there shooting all those jump shots. That's why you give him every ounce of your being, every ounce of your soul when they won't. When they don't, that's when you do. Every change starts with a vision and a decision to act.

I see massive gratification. Massive satisfaction comes when you win that internal conflict with yourself and you do what you didn't feel like doing. You feel so great after you get it done, you pat yourself on the back, and that's what we call celebrating a small win.

See, it is a series of small wins that taking action leads to that ultimately you win the championship, ultimately you achieve your major goal, ultimately you win your game of life, and it all comes from taking action right now, so I need you to dream big, I need you to set goals, I need you to take action, I need you to execute.

See, while they take the breaks, you keep taking action, and ultimately, the day will come when your future self, the future you are residing in, will be living in the lap of luxury because you put in all the work, you put in all the time, you put in all the effort, you put in all the blood, you put in all the sweat, you put in all the tears, and all that's sweat equity is paying off like compound interest.

Take action today. This is a great day to win. You do a little bit today. You do a little bit more tomorrow. You do a little bit more today after they keep doing a little bit more. You've arrived at your destination before you know it.

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Avatar for Maonx
Written by
2 years ago


So true, even if you don't feel like getting up , get up anyway coz you have to. At times like this. Upon waking up in the morning and i feel sadness i pray first then ask the Almighty to help me get up and do my daily task even if i don't have the urge. I know that it's my angels working for me to get through my lousy and sad days.

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2 years ago