Facebook is a website of the world social intercommunion which was found on 2004. It gives free subscribe. It is own by Inc. User can adds friends, send message Their friend, update and exchange their own information. They can share their workplace, city they live, school and College. The website is named aftee a book provided by the Unversity administration to commemorate the good acquaintance among the students at the beginning of the academic calender.
Mark Zuckerberg created facebook in a join efforts of classmates and students of computer science Eduardo saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and chirs Huges which study in Harvard university. Membership of the website was initially limited to the students of harvard University but later expanded to other College boston, the lvy League and starmford University. Then later it is open for all School, College, University and other people who is older then 13 years. This website currently 250 million active users worldwide. The website link is below