Fish (Fish) fin and the surface of the body, usually fibrous, phulakabisista aquatic vertebrates. Fish are divided into four classes, namely: Agnatha, Chondricthyes, Osteichthyes and Placodermi. Agnatha includes primitive jawless Cyclostomes (lampreys, hagfishes) and extinct Ostracoderms. Placodermi-jawed extinct armored fish; Chondricthyes - sharks, ray and other cartilaginous fish, all of which have mainly cartilaginous skeletons; And osteichthyes স্থ most of which are edible. Although some aquatic invertebrates use the name 'fish' with their names, they are not real fish. Examples include cuttlefish (cephalopoda mollusk, octopus), jellyfish (coelenterates), starfish or echinoderms and shellfish (oyster and clam mollusk) and crayfish (arthropod)