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3 years ago

Light is a type of energy and the sun is the largest natural source of light for the earth. For thousands of years, light has been an important part of human life, but many questions about light are still considered unresolved.

For a long time it was thought that light travels in the form of waves because that is how it behaved on earth. Earlier, Newton's theory stated that light travels in the form of particles. However, both theories have raised the question of whether, if so, there is a medium in space that facilitates the transmission of light from the sun to the earth, and if there is such a medium, the Earth and Why does the speed of other orbiting planets not matter? Then the idea of ​​a fictitious intermediary remained part of the ideology for years. This medium was called aether and was an ideal medium that was considered to help without affecting the motions of moving objects. This theory, however, remained unacceptable for many years and questions remained.

Answering these questions, Einstein said something completely new. Einstein proposed the theory of double behavior of light. According to this theory, if light has a medium, it travels in the form of waves, while if no medium is available, it travels in the form of photons or energy pectons.

Einstein talked about light in great detail. Einstein's theory of relativity was one of them. Einstein stated in his special theory of relativity that light is the fastest object in the universe.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, matter can be converted into energy

If an object moves at this speed, many buds become inoperable on such a body. For example, moving at the speed of light stops time for the body. The distance becomes zero and the mass of this body becomes infinite.

This theory could not be tested directly in the form of an experiment because to this day man has not been able to achieve the speed of light, but other indirect experiments have proved Einstein's theory to be correct. The most important example in this regard is the atomic clock test. Atomic clocks can be used to observe very short intervals of time. One of these clocks was placed on a high-speed jet and the other on the ground. Upon returning at full speed, it was observed that there was a difference in the time of the two clocks. The clock on the ground was in front and the clock on the jet was behind.

Thank you 😊❤️.

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3 years ago
