The Covid-19 crisis highlights the problems of over-regulation

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3 years ago

salary earners, who do not own a small business, simply do not understand the enormous difficulties that companies face due to regulation. However, Americans are now tasting what they lost and now learning just how badly excessive regulation can be. Most of us realize that when a restaurant is limited to a certain number of seats, let's say 25% of the capacity, they are not going to be making the same amount of money, and they may not be making a profit. Therefore, they will have to lay off employees or go out of business.

However, how many times have we asked ourselves what regulations we already had prior to the Covid-19 crisis were stifling, stifling, and squeezing the profits of our small business community? There are an infinite number of regulations every small business in America has to deal with. Then there are class action lawsuits, employment lawsuits, and contract lawsuits. Many of these lawsuits are enabled due to the regulations on the books, and regulations that the small businessman may not have been aware of.

Since the Covid-19 crisis began, we've noticed companies like gyms, hair salons and restaurants are actually going through hell just to stay open, trying to satisfy the new regulations of the county’s local health commissioner. Companies only had to do purchase orders, asking each employee to wear a mask, and put in plexiglass so that employees wouldn't breathe in tiny airborne droplets of water that might be infected with Covid-19 coming from customers.

Have you ever wondered how much it costs these small businesses just to comply with those kinds of regulations, and this is on top of all the other regulations that were in place before the Covid-19 crisis? Just to provide ordering service only to restaurants, they have to put up signs, alert all their customers, announce their new look, buy more containers, and train other employees in the new way of doing business. It all costs money at a time when their sales are under 50%. How are they supposed to make money? We know that most of them are not.

However, do you have any idea how many regulations are actually on the books. A typical small business might have 20 different licenses, fees, permits, or certifications on its wall. Each one costs money, takes time to apply, is generally renewable annually, and these are additional costs. Imagine if there were no 20 different licenses, fees, permits, or certification? What if there were only 5 or 10? Companies will make a lot of money, and then, when the next Covid-like crisis comes, they can meet those new regulations without going out of business.

We need to have local and federal government, away from small businesses. Small businesses aren't the problem with the spread of Covid-19, they haven't started the problem, they're victims like all of us. Over-regulation is a business virus , in essence it causes the same problem to generate potential profits.

Have you asked yourself during this Covid pandemic “why” we place all the burden on companies? If we keep treating our small business this way, we won't have more to come. Larger companies wield greater political power and influence. They are also able to use government to put in place regulations that prevent their smaller competitors from competing.

If we destroy our small business now, we'll regret it later. More than 75% of all Americans work for a small company, and with many unemployed Americans no one will do a good job, including large companies. Can you imagine what a blow to our economy would be? Can you imagine the cost of all these unemployment benefits? We will literally bankrupt our country. And that's pretty much what we're doing now with the Covid-19 crisis.

What we need to do is review everything now while we have the opportunity. We can make sweeping changes that protect our small business community and keep our economy vibrant for years to come. I hope the challenge of the Covid-19 crisis has awakened everyone, so they can see how the hand of government and regulation is destroying our freedom, our freedom, our choices, our economy and our future. Please look and think about all of this.

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3 years ago
