Skin Care after the specified age retain youth.

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Avatar for Malihamu
2 years ago

If you are over 35 you need extra care for your skin . Because after 35 your beauty starts to fade.

I think every women should retain her beauty. It has good mental health. But after 35 we became indifferent.

It is important for us to take care of some small things.


1.Paying attention to the colour of the wearable fabric:

We think it’s okay to wear red as you get older but that's not right.Dominate your mind. Which colour is more helpful in expressing your beauty. It can be any colour . However black colour can increase your beauty many you have to pay special attention to it.Trying to wear modern clothes.

  1. You have to live from the sunlight:

Expert doctors say that sun rays provided vitamin D to our skin.which is very beneficial for our skin but it has an adverse effect.One our skin when we are 35 years old.The sun ray destroy the skin cells.

3.Foods rich in vitamin E and C:

Vitamin E and C make our skin anti -oxidant. Retains skin elasticity. Green vegetables, pickled fruits,milk,lemons etc.Help to meet your vitamin needs.which is very beneficial for your skin.


The face is called the mirror of the mind . Stress causes severe damage to your facial skin. Black cells can appear very quickly .


Makeup protects your skin from sunlight. But this makeup can ruin your skin again. So use light makeup as you get older.And come out wash it as soon as possible.

6.Use of moisturizer:

Moisturizer can be used as extra care. Use moisturiser before going to bed and after fresnel.


Water is an essential elements of our lives. Drink al least 8 glasses of water everyday.Dehydration can cause wrinkles on the skin. It can also cause constipation. Which can cause something like bean sprouts to appear on your skin.

8.Informal facial :

Materials al hand such as: potato, tomato, yellow, lemon, papaya,cucumber, yogurt etc. Can be used as a facial max.These help to enhance the beauty of the face and eliminate wrinkles on the skin of the face.

Skin care should be taken all the time but extra care should be taken after 35 so that your skin does not feel dull.

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Avatar for Malihamu
2 years ago
