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Avatar for Majorstech
4 years ago

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are.  The ones  who would do anything to see you smile,  and who love you no matter what.

Do you have such people in your life you call on to rescue you from trouble? If yes then you are a lucky person be sure to cherish them and don't loose them because those type of person you can call family are hard to find this days.

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Family who knows you really well and wants you like that

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4 years ago

Family system is destroyed by Lust.

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4 years ago

Amazing post

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4 years ago

Truly there are some people in our life who are more than our brothers or sisters.

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4 years ago

Some play better role in our lives more than family

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4 years ago

Am glad for those I have around me I can call family

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4 years ago

We have to be grateful with the set of people who stood by us always

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4 years ago