Out in the garden

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Avatar for Major14
3 years ago

One sunny day, I was out in my garden attending to my crops, suddenly the clouds started changing, to my surprise windy also showers, I ran under the shed thinking that it was just a normal rainy day. My banana plants started to fall one by one each tree bearing and now starting to to be a fruit I lost them all. Suddenly my peppers were rooted up by heavy winds and thunder and lightning,I lost it all, the coconut trees started dancing moving left to right, like they wanted to break but they are very strong trees, I saw disaster on that day. But there is more, the garden itself, was now rising in water, as I stood there and didn't know what to do so I simply set a fire side and made some coffee. How about an hour or more later the rain started to ease up and all those damages I went to have a look, I just said to myself "things could have been worse 🥺". I just wanted to post this message to all who think they have reached the end of the road, things could be different, in other words don't give up and anything that you are doing, keep strong and keep fighting.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
