Love (poem-10)

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Avatar for MahiRahman
3 years ago

Endless love is a little care

Like the ebb tide of the infinite sea


He does not sleep with his head on his lap

I don't blink when

I look into his eyes.

Today, I am afraid to say love

If you get lost

Love wants to see today

Like a new outfit

I have felt your love

So did not have to touch.

I understand your love

So I didn't bother.

I didn't leave you knowing

You love me.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Rakibbec03


খুবই ভালো মানের কবিতা! আশা করি এভাবে চালিয়ে যাবি 🖤💕

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3 years ago