Let's Read

4 24

Even the most responsible man chases away the younger sister.

Again, the dearest son of the family leaves his parents in the old age home.

Again the most respected person in the society takes the money of the poor.

Many big leaders in the country are corrupt.

It is not very difficult to get a big job in life.

It is difficult to be a good person.

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Money isn't everything. Be a person, you also want to meet. Not be a person who if sometime comes in front of you, make you go away. See in the mirror and then judge if you want someone to be like you, if your answer is a no, try changing yourself. ♥

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Everyone sympathizes with the neglected and helpless people. But no one comes forward to assert his rights. When he tries to assert his own rights, then many in the society try to stop him.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Neglected people are considered to be the recipients of mercy. But do not stand aside.

$ 0.00
3 years ago