Parents is God blessings !!

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Avatar for Maha-56
3 years ago
Topics: Writing

While drinking tea in the cafe, I suddenly saw an elderly couple sitting at the table next to me.

Mother was taking small sips of tea while Baba was making small morsels of bread for her and did not forget to blow before feeding.

If Amanji smiled a little, the light in Baba Ji's eyes would double. The canola on Mommy's hand was telling her she was sick and probably came from a ward.

The mother was diagnosed with bone cancer.

Babaji said with tears in his eyes:

"Son, this is the mother of my children ____!

The woman who played a central role in making my home a paradise ____!

The only woman to accompany me through the ups and downs of my life ___!

Exhausted by the disease, she smiles a little and my blood doubles.

Now that they need me the most, how can I leave them alone?

Maybe in this way I can repay some of their loyalty and love.

Babaji was saying more with his moist smiling eyes when my mind was just trying to draw a conclusion:

What is the real meaning of "I am always with you"?

There was only one thing in my heart that was burdened:

Some promises are lifelong.

Very few people have the skills to be faithful to them.

Your life partner should be with at least one person who knows how to bathe when things get tough but their presence continues to be a source of encouragement to you.!!

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