We are not to question God, query him or murmur, we are mean to praise and worship HIM in spirit and in truth. Singing and dancing are meanings of Praise while Worship is all about telling God who HE is.
Real worship draws God and you have the feeling of being close to tears. Worship is about eulogizing and calling God who HE really is. The highest wisdom of man is still foolishness with God.
Who is the God I am worshiping
God is the Kingmaker, the one who can lock the earth at HIS own wish.
God is the King of Glory - because he has the ability to remove shame.
He is the Lord of hosts.
He is the Man of war and the original general - However, He is gentle, rich in mercy and Kind.
He is the original admiral.
He is the first ONE to create a submarine - in the case of Jonah.
He is the original air Marchal - He rains down fire to consume the enemies at war.
God controls all hosts; Earthly hosts, heavenly hosts and the demonic hosts.
Our God is a CONSUMING FIRE - His fire can consume anything
He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah
He is the Am that I am - It means He is the God to yesterday, today and forever (He is an ever-present God: even beyond infinity). It means I will be whatever you call me e,g the consuming fire, Lion of the tribe of Judah.
He is the word
He is the truth
He is the way
He is the king and savior
The ever-faithful father
Always remember to thank and praise God for what he has done and call HIM who he is.
We are not to question God, query him or murmur, we are mean to praise and worship HIM in spirit and in truth. Singing and dancing are meanings of Praise while Worship is all about telling God who HE is.
Real worship draws God and you have the feeling of being close to tears. Worship is about eulogizing and calling God who HE really is. The highest wisdom of man is still foolishness with God.
Who is the God I am worshiping
God is the Kingmaker, the one who can lock the earth at HIS own wish.
God is the King of Glory - because he has the ability to remove shame.
He is the Lord of hosts.