There was a servant, one day he did not go to work, so his master thought that I should increase his salary. He did it so that he works more diligently and does not disappear. The next day he paid his servant more than his salary, he quietly kept, and did not speak a word.
But a few days later he again got disappeared. So the owner again got angry and canceled the increase in his salary and paid him his normal salary.
The servany again remained silent, So Owner angrily said, "When I increased your salary you remained silent then I decreased your salary you again remained silent"
The Servant replied,I was absent on the first day, it was because of the birth of a child and you increased my salary, I thought increase in the salary is the blessing of God which came to me with the birth of child, and when I was absent for the second time, it was due to the death of my mother, I thought the reduction in my salary, is to the death of my mother because parents are blessings of God.If it is taken back, then why shoud I worry about this as it is done by God.
There was a servant, one day he did not go to work, so his master thought that I should increase his salary. He did it so that he works more diligently and does not disappear. The next day he paid his servant more than his salary, he quietly kept, and did not speak a word.
But a few days later he again got disappeared. So the owner again got angry and canceled the increase in his salary and paid him his normal salary.