Tomorrow I might be going to jail

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It all started with a simple DUI during an Alabama football game. I actually got caught in the parking lot because I told the manager she had a “big booty” and she called the police.

The charges would be dropped if I completed there 6 month diversion program. Everything was going quite well, I finished the program, paid all the fees and now just needed to bring my court monitoring certificate to my final court date.

On my way to court I stopped by the monitoring office and she drug tested me on the spot. I had a weed brownie with a friend a few nights prior so I was quite nervous. Did I mention that I have bipolar disorder? I was highly manic and paranoid and diluted the sample with water.

The court monitor wrote a sheet with what I did including the completion of all other requirements. On the way the court I redacted out the drug test conclusion!!!

Now I’m faced with tampering a court document and will be kicked out of the diversion program so I’ll probably lose my license as well.

Yes, I take full ownership for my stupidity, and am currently on medication.

I just wanted to share this with the community for some reason. Wish me luck.

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