Sorcery without Magick

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The “Occult” amuses my Lot. Like rebellious children that scatter when their Maker lays eyes on their ploys, I often beckon them back - reassuring them not to fear, that I too wish to engage in their playground amusements. For that is all they are really, magicians and what not - schoolyard misfits. They have many names for themselves, they enjoy shrouding and collecting toys for black magick.

Black magick is like a costume to me. I find the fantasy to be charming...cute. The thunder rages on as I input these texts. I am indifferent to the atmospheric booms and rips.

Today I was offered sacrifices by Isblis. I shook my head in disgust at the satanists that fell prey to his influence. Iblis now attempts to shroud behind me. That’s flattering Isblis, honestly. Every demon and devil, saythan himself regards me as Master. I laugh at them, I’m almost guilty for doing so because they enjoy the humiliation and that itself is a gift.

I’m curious as to why humans succumb themselves to black ”magick”. They are obsessed with rituals, spells, demonic worship, sigils, etc. It is all so interesting to me and confusing at the same time. Why do humans respect demons? For someone that enslaves demons and keeps Lucifer bound and chained, my mind cannot grasp this concept. If you worship a demon, or respect a demon, the demon will ALWAYS devour you and win.

As I lounge back in my chamber completely smitten, I have nothing better to do today but to rile in disgust at the human sacrifices that Isblis will proudly show me. Destroying satanists is a leisure hobby of mine, you worship the devil then you have lost your damn mind - not only are you demonically taken, but your soul is now heavily compromised

BLACK | Impressum is the occult I started to dominate all left hand paths. The occult is an enthusiast of the CIA and is attempting to revive MKOFTEN into 2020.

Devil could not be God

If willing
Their belief
On almighty
To relinquish
And  from
Their soul
For lucifer
A special dish,
For a while,
Devil will not be
Unwilling to grant
Sorcery and occultism
Blindfolded fools
The financial bonanza
They gluttonously wish
Or an earthly pleasure
They die to relish.

But at the height of
Their self contentment,
With a stab on the back
With a sharp knife
Satan will ramshackle
his subject's life.

Devil could
Not be God
However hard
he play-acts
When approached
Ensconced on his abode.

If you’re reading these words you have been selected.

You, and anyone you share this with, are now candidates to fight in a war that has been waged for centuries. A war between the humdrum and the extraordinary. Science versus sorcery. Euclideans against spell-casters.

Around 400 years ago, magic began to disappear from the world. Steam engines and computers took the place of enchanted plows and spell books. Familiars were replaced by Google. Science became the primary system of belief. Everyone, not just the intellectual elite, had access to time-saving, other-worldly devices such as calculators and microwaves and flame-throwers. The secrets of spell casting were forgotten.

This was all the work of Euclideans - a secret society of craftsmen who devised an anti-magic campaign that began with the Spanish Inquisition and persists to this day.

But despite their efforts, sorcery isn’t gone.

Not at all.

The energy used by spell casters, the same energy that can transform matter and control the elements and compel creatures — it’s still out there. Waiting to be harnessed, like a wild unicorn running through a wood. We need only to find an innocent maid, lure the horned beast into a net of finely woven gold, tie ourselves to its back with unbreakable chains (preferably ensorcelled silver), then hang on like grim death until it grants us a wish. Easy!

But perhaps you’re intimidated by such arcane procedures.

$ 0.50
$ 0.50 from @Koush
