Review of SunState Hemp DELTA-8 derived from Hemp 92% BLUE DREAM Vape Cartridge

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Avatar for MKFAWKES
3 years ago

I bought this product at Save A Smoker: Vapor Shop E-liquid E-Cigs in Ozark, Alabama. The product with a vape pen cost me $76.42 after tax. One thing I'll admit off the top - vaping delta8 is expensive if you're not solely ordering from the internet.

I'm satisfied with the product it seems very condensed and hits hard. I'm coughing after my third pull - people on reddit always try to make fun of me saying that I'm a smoking newb and that someone OG would not get buzzed from this but fellas believe me, that is not true! Delta-8 cartridges get you high af, I've only fucked with the sativa kind lately so that's all my reviews are based off of but I get high af! No lie.

Here is a picture of the product:

My parents caught me smoking delta-8 today and took away my cartridge and battery but oh well fuck it. I'm not mad. I got another one at a fairly reasonable price. Send me your dogecoin to: DP8vpDcqsHWnHkGvfYF3P6cuwdaGA7CQRo

Send me your d8 love baby I am the ultimate pimp MKFAWKES don't forget my name.


My parents take away my delta-8 pen so I buy another one and a new cartridge and am perfectly satisfied.

Still worried about a drug test. Going to get one tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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Avatar for MKFAWKES
3 years ago
