03/21/2021: Thoughts as of the Moment

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Avatar for MJuliusCD
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, 2021, Thoughts

March 27, 2021

I am here laying in my bed while typing this one. I just woke up and I am warming up again my mind, lol.

To be honest, I do not know what I should do next after finishing this one. But, before I think of that further, I will tell some trivias.


Date in History: March 27, 1998

Sildenafil, marketed as Viagra, 
becomes the first oral drug 
approved for use in the U.S. 
for the treatment of erectile 
dysfunction. It was originally 
developed as a treatment for angina;
however, an interesting side effect 
was noticed.

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Okay, let us proceed in the next one since time is ticking. We need to make this one as enjoyable as possible, so the one will be something that is really cool.

Washington D.C. Cherry Trees

Photo credits to Jetfarer

Date in History: March 27, 1912

The first of the famous cherry trees 
encircling the Tidal Basin in 
Washington D.C. are planted. They 
were a gift from Mayor Yukio Ozaki 
of Tokyo City to the city of Washington, 
D.C. celebrating the growing friendship 
between the U.S. and Japan. U.S. First 
Lady Helen Herron Taft and Viscountess 
Chinda, wife of the Japanese ambassador, 
planted the first two of these trees on 
the north bank of the Tidal Basin in West 
Potomac Park. These two trees still stand.

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If you love cherry trees, for sure you like that information above. Trees are more than amazing because aside from the fact that they produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, they also give us a cozy feeling. Just like what cherry trees show to us.

North America's Largest Recorded Earthquake

Date in History: March 27, 1964

A quake measuring 9.2 on the Richter 
scale hits near Prince William Sound, 
Alaska destroying property and causing 
about 139 deaths. An ensuing 27-foot 
(8.2 m) tsunami destroyed the village of 
Chenega, killing 23 of the 68 people who 
lived there. In all, 15 people died as a 
result of the earthquake itself, 106 died 
from the subsequent tsunami in Alaska, five 
died from the tsunami in Oregon, and 13 died 
from the tsunami in California.It is also the 
second most powerful earthquake recorded in 
world history.

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Natural calamities are indeed frightening. You cannot tell when or where will it happen some of these calamities such as earthquake since there is no invention yet about this, which can detect earthquakes. So, always pray and keep safe, everyone.

Inventor of the Wetsuit: Jack O'Neill

Photo credits to flickr

Born on this day: March 27, 1923 d. 2017

American surfer. He is credited 
with inventing the wetsuit. 
Wanting to surf longer in the 
colder waters of Northern California, 
he developed the first neoprene 
wetsuit. He established the 
O'Neill surf wear and gear company 
(1952). He was known for his eye 
patch, which he wore due to a 
surfing accident.

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Summer vibes is already in the air again. And speaking of summer season, many people wanted to go at beaches and do some water sports activities. But have you heard this fun trivia already? If not yet take note of this because he's credited with inventing the wetsuit! Cool, right?

And now, we are about to know the last trivia for the day!

First Man in Space: Yuri A. Gagarin

Died on March 27, 1968 

Soviet cosmonaut. In 1961, he became 
the first man in space aboard the 
Soviet Vostok 1. The craft orbited 
the Earth for 108 minutes, making 
Gagarin also the first human to 
orbit the Earth. Gagarin's response 
shortly before launch, "Let's go!" 
became a phrase in the Eastern Bloc, 
used to refer to the beginning of 
the Space Age.For his accomplishments, 
he was awarded Hero of the Soviet Union. 
This was his only spaceflight. He and a 
flight instructor died in a plane crash 
during a routine training mission.

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Science is one of my favorite subjects way back in elementary and high school. We currently have not taken any subject yet about science in the course I have taken in College, but it's okay. I still remember some of the cool facts about science which is a systematich body of knowledge. This science trivia is one of the memorable one because of this timeless event happened in history.

That is all for now, guys. Before I end this article, let us have a recap or summary of what we've learned today!

  • Viagra

  • Washington D.C. Cherry Trees

  • North America's Largest Recorded Earthquake

  • Inventor of the Wetsuit: Jack O'Neill

  • First Man in Space: Yuri A. Gagarin

Have a good day!

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Avatar for MJuliusCD
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, 2021, Thoughts


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